Monday, June 4, 2018

Ellu Urundai a.k.a. Sesame Laddu

am sure we all grew up with a variety of sweets and desserts from wherever we came from. Usually that brings joyful memories since sweets are usually made or bought on special occasions. Salem has a variety of such delicacies of which one is being presented here - Ellu Urundai meaning Sesame Ball. Ellu Urundai is usually made or consumed around the festival of Saraswathi Puja or Ayudha Puja. I tried making it a few times and it was a hit with the kids. However I couldn't get the exact colour, taste and consistency, which I managed to get this time. Sweets as in baking are quite finicky that you have to watch out very carefully during the cooking process. A few seconds here and there can change the outcome totally.  So here it comes...


  1. Sesame seeds (white) - 1 cup
  2. Jaggery - 1 cup (Jaggery and Sesame seeds should be in 1:1 ratio)
  3. Cardamom seeds - 1 teaspoon
  4. Ghee - 3 tablespoons


  1. Dry roast the sesame seeds in a large wok until they start to splatter or some of them start turning brown.
  2. Set it to cool in a large mixing bowl.
  3. Smash the jaggery if in the hard form and mix it with about 1/4th cup of water along with the cardamom seeds.
  4. Boil the jaggery water for a few minutes and drain the content to remove any impurities.
  5. Continue to boil the drained jaggery water until you get to the required consistency. This is THE most important step in the entire process. As soon as you feel the syrup thickening try to add a drop of the syrup in a small cup of water. If the syrup dissolves you need to continue boiling. If the syrup coagulates and if you are able to make a small ball, that is when you need to stop boiling the syrup.
  6. Pour the syrup over the seasame seeds, add the ghee and mix it well.
  7. Give it a minute or so to cool down - but not more than that.
  8. Quickly start making balls greasing your palm with ghee. This is the next most important step to take care because if you delay this process the mixture hardens up really quick and goes beyond redemption.
Happy Cooking!!


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